Year 3 and 4

Spring 2 2025


Class information


Year 3 / 4 is the lower key stage 2 class at Cambois Primary School. We are taught by Miss Mason and supported by Mrs Palmer, Miss McBriarty, and Miss Routledge (on Thursdays). We also have Mrs Gooch supporting us this half term and we love having her in class!

In the morning, we have a phonic and alternate guided reading/spelling lesson followed by maths and literacy lesson each day. We follow a creative curriculum in the afternoon, including Art, Music, computing, French and PSHE. 




In Spring 2, children will be focusing on fractions, engaging in a range of both fluency and reasoning tasks to ensure deeper understanding. They will continue their learning of  Length and Perimeter whilst consolidation their previous learning of Area. We also have the privilege of continuing to be a selected pilot school of Mastering Number from NCETM. This supports children with their multiplication skills, alongside our Timetable Rockstars app which the children have logins for and challenge each other - and their teachers - to competitions. Year 4 children are also practicing their tables via TTRS Sound check, which mimics the times table test which they will complete near the end of the academic year. This term we will be consolidating our 12 times table knowledge and moving onto the 9 times table.



 We are using the text 'Billy and the Minpins' by Roald Dhal. We will use this text to write narratives and non-fiction pieces, as well as make links to other books with similar themes.

Oracy Skills within Literacy
In our class we have been working on building our oracy skills, engaging in a range of Literacy strategies such as hot seating, role playing, drama and reasoning to develop and support our writing. This half term we are having lots of fun exploring ambitious and some made up vocabulary in keeping with the Roald Dhal structure.
P.E and Swimming
Our P.E days in Year 3 and 4 are Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure your child arrives at school in the correct P.E kit. Children are currently learning gymnastics with our instructor Sophie.
Year 4 will be engaging in swimming lessons this half term. All information for this will be communicated with parents via our SchoolPing system. year 4 children will engage in DT lessons as well as extra times table practice in preparation for their national Times table test on the Summer. 
In PSHE, our focus is on Being Healthy. This will include:
 Know how exercise affects their bodies
• Know why their hearts and lungs are such important organs
• Know that the amount of calories, fat and sugar that they put into their bodies will affect their       health
• Know that there are different types of drugs
• Know that there are things, places and people that can be dangerous
• Know a range of strategies to keep themselves safe
• Know when something feels safe or unsafe
• Know that their bodies are complex and need taking care of
Our Science topic in Spring 1 is all about PLANTS
We will be learning to:
Identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants; roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers.

Explore the requirements of plants for life and growth  (air, light, water and nutrients from the solid, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant 

Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants

Explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal
Art and DT
Beautiful Botanical art
We will be looking at and comparing a range of botanical art pieces and the different styles artists use. We will be sketching and painting flowers and fruit and exhibiting them via video. 
In Geography, we will continue to explore the planet and how countries were formed, as well as investigating why earthquakes happen and what actually happens within a volcano.
We will participate in researching Pompeii and using maps to locate volcanoes around the world.
MFL - French
In French, we are learning to name vegetables using the Language Angels scheme of work: using games and quizzes to consolidate our learning in a fun way. We will be consolidating a range of skills to practice saying which vegetables we both like and dislike in full sentences.
In computing this half term, we are focusing on e-mails and other forms of communication using our Purple Mash scheme of work. We don't just use this in computing: our teaching staff set cross-curricular games and quizzes to make learning fun and we get to tinker with our skills, which we love to do. We continue to use our Ipads for TTRS and Bedrock too!