Welcome to the SSB class page, we are a Specialised provision within the main stream school. We are made up of two classes. On this page you will find some information on our curriculum, class timetable and a brief topic web showing what the children will learn and how we will do it across the pathways.
Information for SSB 1
Our children in SSB one are children who would come under the pre-formal and informal pathway of the equals curriculum.  Our children in SSB follow a very sensory and therapy heavy curriculum, with a focus on communication. 
Information for SSB 2
The children in SSB 2 are children who fall under the informal play pathway or the semi-formal pathway. In SSB 2 we focus on communication, building friendships and the children access pre key stage learning in a way that is suited to the child.
Equals Curriculum
Here in the SSB we follow the Equals Curriculum. This is broken down into pathways, the children will follow the pathway suited to their needs and level of development.  Below is a breakdown of the pathways and a little information about each of these.
Class information
Key dates:
Jigsaw OT- to visit class every Monday afternoon. This consists of a team of two wonderful ladies, one OT and one SALT. 
Seb and Olivia's den- Every Monday both classes visit Seb and Olivia's den where the children have access to sensory rooms, climbing equiptmet, ball pits and more. These tyes of visits are key in supporting children's regulation.
SSB2- Community awareness every Friday morning. 
PE- For both classes is now on a Wednesday afternoon.